What to Expect: Hearing Aid Consultation
The goal of this appointment is to make ear impressions of the opening of your child's ear for hearing aids. You will also meet with the audiologist to discuss the plan to help your child hear. Here is what you can expect at the appointment:
How to prepare

By this point in your journey, you and your child have been to several different appointments. Make sure to bring all the paperwork from previous doctors. It is particularly important you bring the Medical Clearance for Hearing Aids paperwork from the Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) doctor. Your child will not be able to get hearing aids without it.
This appointment usually lasts between 45-60 minutes.
What happens?
The audiologist will review your child's hearing test results and make ear impressions. The ear impressions are made when a cold material is placed in your child's ear(s) and stays in the ear for about 5 minutes. Your child needs to be calm and still while the impressions are made. Try bringing a bottle for babies and a toy for older children.
The impressions will be sent off to a company who turns the impressions into custom ear molds that fit and stay in your child's ear(s).
By this point in the process, the audiology practice has likely accessed your hearing aid benefit information to determine if there are out-of-pocket expenses. There are lots of financial resources available if you don't have insurance coverage. Your audiologist should be able to help, but if you need more assistance email Georgia Mobile Audiology at [email protected] for additional resources.
Contact your audiologist or Georgia Mobile Audiology with any questions about your upcoming appointment.