Learning Language at Home
Learning Language at Home
All parents want the best for their baby. We know that healthy food helps grow a healthy baby. But to grow a healthy brain, babies need more. Babies need lots of loving words. For DHH babies, these loving words can be spoken or signed. When you feed your baby loving words, this is called Language Nu

Language Videos
Video Intro
Welcome to the series on supporting the communication development of deaf babies and toddlers with any level of hearing loss, from mild to profound.
Video 1
Right from the moment they are born, babies are learning. One of the most important things they can learn about is how to communicate with other people.
Video 2
Many of the developments that happen in a baby's first two years will be just the same for babies with hearing loss. But there are some important aspects of learning to communicate that they will need help with.
Video 3
Tuning in and responding to your baby's communication is really important for supporting their language development.
Video 4
Learning language is all about learning how people use words or signs and sentences. But to learn how words or signs and sentences work, babies first need to be able to access them.
Video 5
Now we will look at how we can communicate to make learning language easier for your baby.